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DebtZee is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of any personal information about our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we protect personal information provided through our website and how we use that information in connection with our service offered through the Site (the “Service”). “Personal information” for purposes of this Policy means information that identifies user, such as Name, address, phone number, PAN, AADHAAR, and email address.

DebtZee stresses its privacy and security standards to guard against identity theft and provide security for your personal information. We regularly re-evaluate our privacy and security policies and adapt them as necessary to deal with new challenges.

Privacy Policy

Eligibility to use the DebtZee platform

DebtZee platform is intended for the use of persons who are 18 years of age or above. By registering and using the DebtZee platform, the user confirms that he/she is 18 years old or above.

By using the platform, users expressly agree to the Privacy Policy set forth in this document and on the website.

Usage of personal information

DebtZee may use personal information to provide the services requested by the users.

DebtZee commits not to sell or rent user’s personal information to anyone, for any reason, at any time. DebtZee uses and discloses user’s personal information only as follows:

  • To perform customer due diligence (KYC) as prescribed by the regulators
  • To share borrower’s personal information to Credit Information Companies to assess credit ratings
  • To publish list of participants (borrowers and lenders) participating in the platform as per norms prescribed by the regulator
  • To document loan agreements and other related documents and get approval between participants
  • To analyse site usage and improve the service;
  • To deliver to user any administrative notices, notifications regarding user’s disbursements, contributions and repayments;
  • To fulfil user’s requests for certain services;
  • Or market research, project planning, troubleshooting problems, detecting and protecting against error, fraud or other criminal activity;
  • To third-party contractors that provide services to DebtZee and are bound by these same privacy restrictions;
  • To enforce DebtZee’s Terms of Use; and
  • As otherwise set forth in this Privacy and Security Policy.

In the event that a user accesses the Service as brought to the user by one of DebtZee co-brand partners, through a co-branded URL, the user’s email address used for registration on the Service may be provided to that co-brand partner.

DebtZee shall limit the collection and use of personal information.

Certain areas and features of are available to the user without registration or the need to provide to DebtZee any information. However, other features of the Site or the Service may require registration, which involves provision to DebtZee of an email address, a password, user’s address and to participate on DebtZee forum boards, a username (collectively the ‘Registration Information’).

From time to time DebtZee may request other personal information to provide users with other benefits of the Service. In all such instances, users will be given the opportunity to provide or to decline to provide that information, and it will be used only for the stated purpose. DebtZee may make anonymous or aggregate personal information and disclose such data only in a non- personally identifiable manner to: Advertisers and other third parties for their marketing and promotional purposes, such as the number of users and how many users clicked on a particular DebtZee Offer; Organizations approved by DebtZee that conduct research on philanthropy and social contribution. Such information does not identify users individually. Access to user’s Registration Information, Account Credentials, Account Information and any other personal information user provides is strictly restricted and used in accordance with specific internal procedures and safeguard governing access, in order to operate, develop or improve the Service. These individuals have been selected in accordance with DebtZee security policies and practices and are bound by confidentiality obligations. They may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution, if they fail to meet these obligations.

DebtZee may also use third party vendors or service providers to help DebtZee provide the Service to users, such as sending e-mail messages on DebtZee’s behalf or hosting and operating a particular feature or functionality of the Service. DebtZee contracts with these third parties outline the appropriate use and handling of user’s information and prohibit them from using any of the user’s personal information for purposes unrelated to the product or service they’re providing. DebtZee requires such third parties to maintain the confidentiality of the information DebtZee provides to them.

Changes to user’s Registration Information.

If a user’s Registration Information changes during the user’s usage of DebtZee, the user may update it any time via the Service. Online session information and use is only used to improve user’s experience

When users visit, DebtZee may collect technical and navigational information, such as computer browser type, Internet protocol address, pages visited, and average time spent on DebtZee Site. This information may be used, for example, to alert software compatibility issues, or it may be analyzed to improve DebtZee Web design and functionality.

“Cookies” are alphanumeric identifiers in the form of text files that are inserted and stored by the user’s Web browser on the user’s computer’s hard drive. DebtZee may set and access cookies on the user’s computer to track and store preferential information about the user. DebtZee may gather information about users through cookie technology. For example, DebtZee may assign a cookie to the user, to limit the amount of times the user sees a particular DebtZee Offer or to help better determine which DebtZee Offers to serve to the user. Most Internet browsers will allow users to stop cookies from being stored on the user’s computer and to delete cookies stored on the user’s computer. If a user chooses to eliminate cookies, the full functionality of the Service may be impaired for the user.

DebtZee encodes DebtZee cookies so that only DebtZee can interpret the information stored in them.

Web beacons are images embedded in a Web page or email for the purpose of measuring and analysing site usage and activity. DebtZee, or third-party service providers acting on DebtZee behalf, may use Web beacons to help DebtZee analyze Site usage and improve the Service.

DebtZee may use third party service providers to help DebtZee analyze certain online activities. For example, these service providers may help DebtZee measure the performance of DebtZee online campaigns or analyze visitor activity on DebtZee may permit these service providers to use cookies and other technologies to perform these services for DebtZee. DebtZee does not share any personal information about DebtZee customers with these third-party service providers, and these service providers do not collect such information on DebtZee’s behalf. DebtZee’s third party service providers are required to comply fully with this Privacy and Security Policy.

Blogs and other Forums on

If a user uses a bulletin board, blog or chat room on DebtZee site, user should be aware that any information submitted there can be read, collected or used by other users and could be used to send user unsolicited messages. DebtZee will not be responsible for the personal information the user chooses to submit in these forums. These forums may be hosted by DebtZee or by one of DebtZee third party service providers on DebtZee’s behalf.

Contests, Giveaways and Surveys

From time to time, DebtZee may offer users the opportunity to participate in contests, giveaways and other promotions. Any information submitted in connection with such activities will be treated in accordance with this Privacy and Security Policy, except as specifically set forth in the rules for those contests, giveaways or promotions. From time to time, DebtZee may also ask users to participate in surveys designed to help DebtZee improve the Site. Any personal information provided to DebtZee in connection with any survey will be used only in relation to that survey and as elsewhere set forth in this Policy.

Disclosure of user’s information to protect DebtZee rights or if required by law

Notwithstanding the foregoing, DebtZee reserves the right (and user authorize DebtZee) to share or disclose user’s personal information when DebtZee determines, in its sole discretion, that the disclosure of such information is necessary or appropriate:

To enforce DebtZee rights against user or in connection with a breach by user of this Privacy and Security Policy or the Terms of Use; To prevent prohibited or illegal activities; or When required by any applicable law, rule regulation, subpoena or other legal process.

User’s data may be transferred upon change of control but only in accordance with this Policy

Personal information may be transferred to a third party as a result of a sale, acquisition, merger, reorganization or other change of control. If DebtZee sells, merges or transfers any part of DebtZee business, part of the sale may include user’s personal information. If so, the user will be asked if the user would like to stop receiving promotional information following any change of control.

Users can transport or delete user’s data

User’s data is theirs. Users can remove it anytime the user wants. When a user requests DebtZee to delete the user’s account for the Service, the user’s data will be permanently expunged from DebtZee primary production servers and further access to the user’s account will not be possible. DebtZee will also promptly disconnect any connection DebtZee has established to user’s Account Information and delete all account credentials. However, portions of user’s data, consisting of aggregate data derived from user’s Account Information, may remain on DebtZee production servers indefinitely. User’s data may also remain on a backup server or media. DebtZee keeps these backups to ensure DebtZee’s continued ability to provide the Service to users in the event of malfunction or damage to DebtZee’s primary production servers. DebtZee also reserves the right to use any aggregated or anonymous data derived from or incorporating user’s personal information.

Email communications from DebtZee

DebtZee provides registered users with monthly summaries of their contributions. DebtZee also allows users to subscribe to email newsletters and from time to time may transmit emails promoting DebtZee. subscribers have the ability to opt-out of receiving DebtZee promotional emails, terminate their newsletter subscriptions but they will still receive information regarding completed transactions, monthly contribution reminders that they have subscribed to and any urgent updates based on technical changes or exigent circumstances (natural disasters, policy changes etc).

Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Login ID and Password

DebtZee maintains rules to help prevent others from guessing the user’s password. DebtZee also recommends that users change their password periodically. User’s password must be at least 6 characters in length with a combination of alphabets and numbers. Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their Login ID and Password. Users shall not provide these credentials to any third party. If a user believes that they have been stolen or has been made known to others, the user must contact DebtZee immediately at, but in any event the user should change the user’s password immediately via the Service. DebtZee will not be responsible if someone else accesses the user’s account through Registration Information they have obtained from the user or through a violation by the user of this Privacy and Security Policy or the Terms of Use.

If users have a security related concern, they may contact DebtZee at DebtZee will work closely with users to ensure a rapid and personal response to user’s concerns.

Updates to DebtZee Privacy and Security Policy

DebtZee will update this Privacy & Security Policy periodically. The date last revised would appear at the top of the Policy. Changes will take effect immediately upon posting.

Addressing user’s questions or concerns

Should users have questions, comments, concerns or feedback regarding this Privacy and Security Policy or any other privacy or security concern, they may send an email to

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